Earn a High School Diploma

Need to earn your high school diploma? Kirkwood has options for you.

Adult High School Diploma

If you were just a few credit hours short of graduating, our adult high school program might be the right option for you.

You can complete your high school degree by taking high school-level courses at Kirkwood. The classes you took at an accredited high school before this also count toward the diploma requirements. This is available for residents of eastern Iowa.

High School Equivalency Diploma

You can also earn a high school equivalency diploma (HSED) by successfully completing a series of multiple choice tests that cover reading, writing, social studies, science, and math. Graduates receive an Iowa High School Equivalency Diploma. The program is not offered nationally or internationally. Find test centers and schedules.

You must be 17 years of age or older to earn your adult high school diploma or HSED.

Become a Tutor for Adult Learners

Kirkwood needs tutors to help adults improve their basic skills in English, math, reading, social studies, and science. We offer training, supply reading materials, and match volunteers with adult students. For more information, call 319-784-1510

Tutor Handbook