

Count on Us for a Great Start in Math

When it comes to numbers, Kirkwood's Mathematics interest area adds up to unlimited opportunities in preparing students for an exciting and lucrative career. If problem solving is in your DNA and you love challenging yourself, it's easy to calculate the reasons why Kirkwood is right for you.

As a Liberal Arts student, you will take core humanities requirements while choosing exciting electives in specialized areas of math. Kirkwood has special transfer agreements with all three state universities and many other four-year institutions.

At Kirkwood, transferring and earning a degree in mathematics is attainable and affordable.

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Each year, many students successfully transfer their Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degrees from Kirkwood to four-year institutions in Iowa and across the country. If you are planning to transfer to a four-year program, you will work very closely with advisors in our Advising and Transfer Center. They will make sure you have everything completed for a seamless transfer.

Our advisors help take away any guesswork and confusion, ensuring you meet Kirkwood’s graduation requirements, as well as the admission requirements and transferability of courses to your transfer school. By meeting with our advisors early and often, you’ll be better prepared for the next steps in continuing your education after Kirkwood.

Kirkwood is the affordable option! We have more than $3 million in scholarships available every year — and it's just one easy application.

To determine the appropriate starting math class for your program, you’ll need to complete the ALEKS math placement test. To learn more about how to fulfill the placement process, please see information on the Placement Requirement page.

To take the ALEKS test

Visit the Test Center page to schedule a time to take the test at one of our Kirkwood locations.

Want to take a practice test? Log in to MyHub. You have the option to complete one free unproctored ALEKS practice test.

For further instructions on taking the ALEKS assessment or if you have any questions, please visit ALEKS Support.

Most professions and majors require a math background, but the analytical thinking and problem-solving skills students learn with an emphasis in math can apply to all disciplines.

  • Teaching
  • Finance
  • Actuarial science
  • Research
  • Business
  • Statistics
  • Economics

Kirkwood can help you explore your career options by providing exciting experiences in and out of the classroom.


Explore More

The Mathematics interest area at Kirkwood is part of the Liberal Arts Program. You will work closely with the Advising and Transfer Center and math faculty when deciding on which classes to take.

Our math faculty is composed of incredibly experienced professionals who can also be a great resource when making transfer decisions and planning for your career in mathematics. They have years of dedicated experience studying and researching within the math field and working with students just like you.

Course requirements include specialized math classes, as well as foreign language, humanities, social sciences, and science. With many options to choose from, the advising process will also help you figure out a plan that fits you.

Sample classes in the Mathematics program include:

MAT-136 Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry (5)
Examines trigonometric functions, graphs, identities and applications. Includes conic sections, polar coordinates, parametric equations, vectors, planes, and surfaces. Credits: 5, Hours: (5/0/0/0), Prereq: MAT-138; Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A

MAT-138 College Algebra with Limits (4)
Examines polynomial, rational, radical, exponential and logarithmic functions and equation solutions. Includes matrices, sequences, series, and introduces limits. This course is intended for all students who will eventually take any calculus course. Credits: 4, Hours: (4/0/0/0), Prereq: MAT-102 or MAT-708; Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A

MAT-149 Linear Algebra (3)
Includes matrix and vector arithmetic, using matrices to solve systems of linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization of matrices, and an introduction to subspaces of Euclidean space. Credits: 3, Hours: (3/0/0/0), Prereq: MAT-210; Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A

MAT-150 Discrete Math (3)
Introduces concepts in discrete mathematics as applied to computer science. Includes logic, methods of proof, sets, functions, relations, counting techniques, discrete probability, permutations and combinations, graphs, and trees. Emphasizes connections between discrete math and programming concepts. Credits: 3, Hours: (3/0/0/0), Prereq: MAT-102 or MAT-708 or MAT-707 through Module 10; Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A

MAT-156 Statistics (3)

Focuses on descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, standard deviation and variance) and introduces correlation and linear regression. Emphasizes inferential statistics and probability distributions as applied to confidence intervals, hypothesis testing of means and proportions, and applications to business and other fields. Credits: 3, Hours(3/0/0/0), Prereq: Take MAT-607, MAT-102, MAT-115, or a qualifying placement score. Students who place one level below Statistics can contact advisor about registering for MAT-156 Statistics or MAT-656 Support for Statistics concurrently; Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A

Hours per week: 3.0 lecture

MAT-162 Business Statistics (4)
Introduces statistics, primarily for business majors. Investigates methods of collection, organization, presentation, analysis and interpretation of quantitative data as tools in effective business decision-making. Computer applications are used to assist in visualizing and analyzing data. Covers descriptive statistics, probability, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing for one and two samples, regression, correlation, and chi-square. Additional topics may be covered, including ANOVA. Credits: 4, Hours: (4/0/0/0), Prereq: MAT-138 or MAT-140 or MAT-155 or MAT-157; Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A

MAT-165 Business Calculus (3)
Studies the techniques of differential and integral calculus likely to be encountered in an undergraduate course in business economics. Applications are emphasized in these areas. Credits: 3, Hours: (3/0/0/0), Prereq: MAT-138; Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A

MAT-210 Calculus I (4)
Includes limits, derivative, differentiation, the differential elementary applications of calculus and introduction to integration. Credits: 4, Hours: (4/0/0/0), Prereq: MAT-136; Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A

MAT-216 Calculus II (4)
Continues Calculus I and includes study of the integral, integration, application of integration, techniques of integration, and infinite series. Credits: 4, Hours: (4/0/0/0), Prereq: MAT-210; Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A

MAT-219 Calculus III (4)
Continues Calculus II and includes study of vector functions, function of several variables, multiple integrals, and vector fields. Credits: 4, Hours: (4/0/0/0), Prereq: MAT-216; Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A

MAT-227 Differential Equations With Laplace (4)
Studies exact equations, separable equations, linear equations, physical applications, series solutions, systems of linear differential equations, and methods of approximating the solutions to first-order equations. Laplace transforms are introduced and used to solve differential equations. Credits: 4, Hours: (4/0/0/0), Prereq: MAT-216; Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A

MAT-924 Honors Project (1)
Allows a qualified honors student to pursue a special concentration of study under the guidance of a faculty member. Requires completion of an honors project contract. Credits: 1, Hours: (1/0/0/0), Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A; Requires permission of instructor and dean.

MAT-928 Independent Study (1)
Provides readings, papers and basic research or other projects under the individual guidance of a staff member. Credits: 1, Hours: (0/4/0/0), Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A; Requires permission of instructor and dean.

The purpose of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) club is to stimulate and encourage a strong interest in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Members benefit from leadership, networking and community opportunities that apply their knowledge through STEM-related activities.


The Iowa Illinois Nebraska STEM Partnership for Innovation in Research and Education (IINSPIRE) project is part of the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program. LSAMP is a National Science Foundation (NSF) alliance among sixteen two-year and four-year colleges and universities working together to broaden the participation of underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in the Midwest.

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Photo of Lindsay Gordon

“When you’re in a specific program, you really get the chance to know your classmates and your instructors and form relationships. When I leave Kirkwood, I’ll take friends with me.”

Lindsay Gordon,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa


2092 Cedar Hall