We all remember those special teachers who connected with us, challenged us, and really reached us. At Kirkwood, we can prepare you to make a huge difference in students’ lives.
Our Education Careers interest area focuses on important aspects of becoming a successful teacher or paraeducator, including general teaching concepts and methods, behavior management, educational psychology, meeting the needs of diverse learners, and more.
As a Liberal Arts student, you will fulfill core requirements while choosing from specialty and elective options in education. And, since Kirkwood has transfer agreements with all three state universities and many other four-year institutions, transferring and earning a degree in education couldn’t be easier – or more affordable.
If you're planning to transfer to a four-year program, you'll work very closely with the experts in our Advising and Transfer Center. They'll make sure you get everything needed for a trouble-free transfer.
Kirkwood Community College is proud to have special transfer agreements with leading universities and colleges in Iowa for Education Careers students, including the University of Iowa, Iowa State University, University of Northern Iowa, Coe College, and Mount Mercy University.
Courses for Transfer:
The opportunities are endless for a rewarding career in education. In addition to teaching K-12 and being a paraeducator, you can pursue a career as a principal, administrator, curriculum developer, higher education professor, or special education professional.
Kirkwood can help you explore all your career options – and provide exciting experiences in and out of the classroom to help you find the best path. And with the demand for educators on the rise, the future looks incredibly bright for education graduates.
Explore your share of more than $3 million in scholarship opportunities! At Kirkwood, we make it incredibly easy — you only need to apply once, even if you're eligible for more than one scholarship.
How to Apply
In addition to completion of the application, candidates need two letters of recommendation from teachers and/or principals who have supervised the candidate's work with children in a K-12 school.
Application Form Letter of Recommendation Form
Deadlines for submission and letters of recommendation are:
We are excited about your interest in becoming an educator. One of the final classes in preparation to transfer from Kirkwood Community College is EDU-810 Field Experience. As part of the preparation for this course and your career, we require students enrolled in EDU-810 Field Experience to complete the background check process.
Important information before you start the compliance process:
You will create and pay for your background check through CastleBranch's online process.
Visit https://portal.castlebranch.com/KG73 to create your account. You must use the following information when creating your account based on the standard process determined by the Social Sciences Department at Kirkwood Community College. The account creation process is standard for all students, so we can assist with questions throughout the process.
To be enrolled in EDU-810 Field Experience, you are required to complete the background check process. Specific steps for the completion of the background check are listed below. Once you have created your account with CastleBranch, you will have 72 hours to complete the background check portion. It is important to complete the background check process within 72 hours, or you will be timed out and will have to redo the process at an additional cost to you.
Students in Kirkwood's Education programs are encouraged to join the Kirkwood chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), the only national Career and Technical Student Organization with the family as its central focus.
FCCLA is one of eight recognized members of the National Coordinating Council for Career and Technical Student Organizations (NCC-CTSO). CTSOs are co-curricular groups that help students in career and technical education programs further their knowledge and skills by participating in activities, events, and competitions.
The Education Careers interest area at Kirkwood is part of our Liberal Arts program. You will work closely with experts at the Advising and Transfer Center and education careers faculty when deciding on which classes are right for you.
Our education careers faculty feature experienced professionals who are ready to help you find the right path during your journey into a rewarding K-12 career.
With many options to choose from, the advising process will also help you figure out what specialty areas to pursue.
EDU-110 Exploring Teaching (3)
Introduces the concerns and activities of beginning teachers. The focus is on developing generic teaching skills applicable from preschool through high school. Microteaching is used to simulate actual teaching situations. Case studies are used to discuss common teaching problems.
Credits: 3, Hours: (3/0/0/0), Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A
EDU-119 Behavior Management (3)
Develops observation skills and management of the behavior of others individually and in groups. Develops strategies for helping others to manage their own behavior. Meets a portion of the Iowa Paraeducator Generalist Certification requirement.
Credits: 3, Hours: (3/0/0/0), Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A
EDU-129 Inclusion and Adaptation (3)
Develops the skills to facilitate the mainstreaming of students with disabilities and work with gifted and talented students in school settings. Students taking the course learn strategies for instructing diverse groups of learners and adapting curriculum and materials. The course includes an overview of the special education system and the evolving relationship with regular education. Issues related to adults with disabilities are discussed.
Credits: 3, Hours: (3/0/0/0), Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A
EDU-200 Topics in Education (1)
Provides an opportunity for students to study a current issue in education. Topics are selected from the following categories: teaching methods, learning theory, motivation, and professionalism.
Credits: 1, Hours: (1/0/0/0), Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A
EDU-212 Educational Foundations (3)
Examines the impact of social policies on the public education system. Introduces the history and philosophy of education. Students examine current beliefs about education and its effectiveness. Controversial issues are discussed and debated.
Credits: 3, Hours: (3/0/0/0), Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A
EDU-240 Educational Psychology (3)
Applies psychological concepts to the field of education. Major focus is on cognitive, behavioral, and humanistic theories. Areas of emphasis include child and adolescent development, learning theory, memory, motivation, intelligence, instruction, and measurement.
Credits: 3, Hours: (3/0/0/0), Prereq: PSY-111; Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A
EDU-248 Exceptional Persons (3)
Studies the educational, cultural, and social aspects of children and adults who are exceptional in the context of mental, emotional, and physical development. Includes discussion of gifted and talented children in schools.
Credits: 3, Hours: (3/0/0/0), Prereq: PSY-111; Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A
EDU-249 Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (3)
Prepares staff to work with culturally and linguistically diverse children, including English language learners, those with language disorders, deaf and hard of hearing students. Includes use of technology, instructional methodology, appropriate translation and interpretation procedures, and communication with team members. Participants work collaboratively and individually to develop projects.
Credits: 3, Hours: (3/0/0/0), Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A
EDU-258 Autism Spectrum Disorder Support (3)
Develops skills of observation, understanding and management of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Develops strategies for helping students with ASD manage behavior and develop social and communication skills. Meets Iowa paraeducator certification requirements for Autism Spectrum Disorders Area of Concentration.
Credits: 3, Hours: (3/0/0/0), Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A
EDU-259 Vision Impairment Support (3)
Addresses competencies for state paraeducator certification in Level II Vision Impairment Area of Concentration. Prepares paraeducators to support children with vision impairments or blindness, including those with additional disabilities. Studies roles and responsibilities of the paraeducator in understanding the expanded core curriculum and how to integrate support of these skills into the instructional day, how to ensure student access to the core curriculum, strategies to promote independence and self-determination, and professional and ethical guidelines.
Credits: 3, Hours: (3/0/0/0), Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A
EDU-279 Transition Services (3)
Studies the role of the paraeducator and job coach in assisting teachers in preparing students who receive special education services for the transition from K-12 education to adult life. Studies the continuum of K-12 career and transition programs, as well as the variety of adult services that K-12 graduates may need in the areas of living, learning, and working. Addresses issues of self-determination; career assessment; transition to living, learning and working; behavior support; and linkages to adult service providers.
Credits: 3, Hours: (3/0/0/0), Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A
EDU-805 Literacy Tutor Experience (1-3)
Provides students with an opportunity to spend 30, 60 or 100 hours in a school or other community agency tutoring in reading and other basic skills. In addition, 12 hours of seminar are part of the course.
Credits: 1-3, Hours: (0/0/3-9/0), Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A; Comments: Minimum GPA of 2.5 required to take this course
EDU-810 Field Experience (3)
Offers experience in classrooms. Students spend 100 hours per semester at a school working under the supervision of a teacher. Students choose between preschool, elementary, and secondary settings. A seminar is part of the course.
Credits: 3, Hours: (1/0/6/0), Prereq: EDU-110, PSY-111 and either PSY-121 or EDU-240; Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A; Comments: Minimum GPA of 2.5 required to take this course
EDU-810 Background Check - See Background Check Information
Field Experience Application Form
EDU-924 Honors Project (1)
Allows a qualified honors student to pursue a special concentration of study under the guidance of a faculty member. Requires completion of an honors project contract.
Credits: 1, Hours: (1/0/0/0), Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A; Comments: Requires approval of supervising professor and dean
EDU-928 Independent Study (1)
Provides readings, papers and basic research or other projects under the individual guidance of the staff members. Credits: 1, Hours: (1/0/0/0), Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A; Comments: Permission of instructor, dean
Patrice Becicka | ||||||
Title: | Assistant Professor, Education Careers | |||||
Phone: | 319-398-5899 ext. 4995 | |||||
Email: | patrice.becicka@kirkwood.edu | |||||
Office: | 1047 Cedar Hall |
Jennifer Anderson |
Susan Dubishar |
Michelle Sunner |
“I chose Kirkwood because I wanted to be close to my friends and family at home. I knew it would be a great place to ease into the college experience before transferring. ”
Liz Schultz,
North Liberty, Iowa